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Some misc. Spit parts for sale

To: spitfires@autox.team.net, triumphs@autox.team.net
Subject: Some misc. Spit parts for sale
From: Dan Buettner <danb@thelittlemacshop.com>
Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2001 14:57:13 -0500
Every time I visit home, my dad sends me off with another box of junk 
from a 1979 Spitfire I parted out a long time ago.  I'm running out 
of room to keep it all, and I don't need most of it, so I'm making a 
lot of the stuff available to list members cheap.

Disclaimer: some of it is just not in great shape.  I'll try to point 
that out where applicable.  It's all sold as-is, and the prices 
reflect the conditions of the items.  Prices do not include actual 
shipping costs from Des Moines, Iowa.

If the prices are too high, make me an offer!  Also, if you're going 
to VTR in Breckenridge CO, I can bring stuff with me to avoid 
shipping costs.

* Set of three Z-S carbs, one without bottom tank (float chamber), 
one with manual choke conversion (but no cable).  All are messy and 
grimy and in need of rebuilds, I'm sure.  One is from a Mk. IV; the 
others are from '77 and '79 1500's.  $20 (for all three).  (Various 
intake manifolds are also available if you need one or more to go 
with the carbs.)

* Spit 1500 flywheel.  Surface rust, but the ring gear teeth are in 
decent shape, and the clutch mating surface was coated in grease 
prior to storage, so it's not in bad shape.  $10.

* Spit 1500 heater, including fan and a couple of vent hoses. 
Operating condition unknown.  $10.

* Spit 1500 seat slide.  Decent shape, though you'd want to sand, 
grease and paint it.  $10.  (I don't know which side it's for - how 
do I tell?)

* Spit 1500 license plate lamp pair; coated in black.  In decent 
shape, but operating condition unknown.  $10 (for the pair).

* Spit 1500 differential.  From a '79.  Disassembled, complete except 
for the bearings, which I threw out.  I probably even have the shims. 

* Spit 1500 oil pan.  Terrible shape (rusty and dirty), but no dents 
or holes.  Could be sandblasted and painted if you need one.  $5.

* Spit 1500 non-overdrive driveshaft.  Taken from a '77; should fit 
other years of 1500s without overdrive.  Needs u-joints replaced, 
probably needs to be balanced.  $10.

* Spit 1500 doors.  Taken from a 1979.  In OK shape, but not great. 
One at least would need some leading or bondo work, as there's some 
damage around where the mirror mounts.  Includes all window hardware 
(still in the doors).  $20 for the pair.  These are still stored in 
Iowa City if you're near there and want them.

* Spit 1500 seats.  Not in useable shape, but could provide the basis 
for seats if you don't have any.  $10 for the pair.  These are also 
still stored in Iowa City if you're near there and want them.

* Spit 1500 luggage rack.  Needs cleaned up, and sounds like it has a 
lot of junk rattling around inside it, but it's decent.  I think I 
have the mounts for it somewhere.  $10.

* Convertible top frame for Spit 1500.  Taken from a '79.  Complete, 
working, dirty.  Will include the metal plate that goes at the back 
of the pass. compartment if you want.  $10.

* Some other small parts for 1500 available - no motor, transmission, 
suspension or steering parts left.  Inquire by e-mail if there's 
something specific you're looking for.

Anyway - that's it for now.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dan Buettner                   mailto:danb@thelittlemacshop.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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