Hi, Douglas and Nadia.
Lookes to me like the best reference for all this might be the
following. Has a lot of good info.
> Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 22:50:23 -0500
> From: Douglas Braun & Nadia Papakonstantinou <dougnad@bellatlantic.net>
> They make a special wheel bearing grease for boat trailer wheels,
> which get dunked regularly. Maybe that would be a good
> thing to use?
> At 10:45 PM 3/8/01 , you wrote:
> >ISTR that the zinc oxide helps the grease repel water better.
> >Probably important in a trunnion bush (shrubbery?) which won't ever
> >get warm enough to dry out but will be getting soaked regularly.
> >
> >Donald.