>For you early Spitfire enthusiasts! I came across this Amco Grill on Ebay.
>This was an official dealer option according to a period Accessory Brochure
>I own.
>Check it out at:
>I have no affiliation with the seller, just thought some of you might be
While I won't argue that the piece is a period accessory as stated, I
myself can't see how it would look correct on any Spitfire. My own grills
from both a 1960's vintage and my 1972 are both FULL width. The one
pictured had the two top bars full width (or what appear to be even longer
than the ones on my car) and the lower ones cut off leaving a gap of sorts
at the mounting brace and the opening end. On mine the ribs extend about 2
inches past the mounting brace and these (on the MK4's) extend into the
overrides. On the earlier cars they just end at the opening. I would
think it that this grill would look kind of funny on a Spitfire. Anybody
seen on mounted on a vehicle? I'd like to see it.
You can do a similar looking treatment on your later model plastic Spitfire
grill (as I did) by getting that chrome plastic door edge trim and cut it
to the length of the ribs on your plastic grill then press them on. Looks
just like a chrome grill and adds a nice touch if you like that sort of
thing -
Barry Schwartz (San Diego) bschwart@pacbell.net
72 PI, V6 Spitfire (daily driver)
70 GT6+ (when I don't drive the Spit)
70 Spitfire (long term project)