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Re: Driveshafted, Part 2

To: dhl@chelseamsl.com
Subject: Re: Driveshafted, Part 2
From: "R.D. Waid" <msp01091@isd.net>
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2000 11:40:59 -0500
Thank you for the information. What does the retainer look like? Is it a metal
or rubber washer of some type?

Bob Waid
>From: "Donald H. Locker" <dhl@chelseamsl.com>
>To: msp01091@isd.net
>Subject: Re: Driveshafted, Part 2
>Date: Tue, Jun 6, 2000, 8:39 PM

>The rollers should be alternating; the yokes should be parallel to
>each other.  Standard driveline practice.  (There was only one
>occasion where I had to set the u-joints out of phase, and that was
>for a driveshaft with 6 joints at various angles in a garbage truck,
>and where the manufacturer needed a very quick fix.  After getting the
>angles set correctly, we went back to normal phasing and retrofitted
>the few vehicles that were strange.)
>(in ascii:  -O]---------------------[O-   )
>FWIW, Bentley tells you not to disassemble the sliding joint, but an
>older Haynes that I have shows the joint nicely.  I could scan it if
>anyone really wants it.  And yes, someone lost the retainer for you.
>Thank goodness you found the other rollers.
>> Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 22:00:20 -0500
>> From: "R.D. Waid" <msp01091@isd.net>
>> On Sunday, June 4, I wrote:
>> >On removing the
>> >driveshaft, I found out that I must have a "sliding spline" driveshaft, as 
>> >overextended when I pulled it out and it dropped about 40 little cylindrical
>> >rollers onto the garage floor. I believe there must have a reassembly error 
>by a
>> >PO which allowed this to happen (some kind of missing retainer?).
>> >
>> >I figured out how to reassemble it (Haynes didn't even have a picture), but 
>> >I'm two rollers short. What's the expert opinion on leaving it that way? I 
>> >see how the rollers could get out of position in the closed up spline, but
>> >Murphy is always lurking around. Are these little rollers the kind of thing
>> >someone could find at a driveshaft shop or elsewhere?
>> I found the two missing rollers from the sliding spline driveshaft!!  The
>> questions I have now are:
>> 1. Do all the rollers lie in the same plane in the races? As the driveshaft 
>> falling apart in my hands, it seemed that the rollers were alternating with 
>> perpendicular to others. The height of the cylindrical rollers is exactly the
>> same as the diameter, so they might be able to lie at right angles to each 
>> in the races. It was easy to put the spline back together if I put them all 
>> in the same plane in each race. The spline slides in and out very smoothly.
>> 2. Should the shaft-mounted yokes of the U-joints be perpendicular or 
>> ISTR from earlier posts that they should be perpendicular. 
>> Any comments/advice appreciated!  
>> Bob Waid
>> 71 Mark IV FK4081L

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