ok, i'd like to get in on this reliablity thread.
right now, i am engaged to a girl that lives 60+ miles from my
house (one way), and almost every weekend since may, i've driven
the spitfire up there. now, once i'm there, we both go out and
enjoy the spitfire and have to drive an average of 15 miles to
get anywhere from her house. and thus far, i haven't had any
problems with the spit, except for the occational re-tune of the
timing and idle speed. to put it short, i've got about 2000+
miles racked up on the car in the past two months with out ANY
mechanical failures, flat tires, overheating, etc.
just thought you guys might like to hear that.
oh, and as far as the radiator and over heating problems go, i
should have wrote this earlier, i did a project for my heat and
mass transfer class while in university on the effectiveness of
the spitfire radiator. and i'll just say this: unless the
ambiant air temp is something like 145�F, and you are traveling
less than 30mph, you car will never overheat. of course that
means your system has to be in 'like-new' condition.
(unfortunatly, i didn't keep a copy of my project and my
professor couldn't return the copy i turned in. maybe i'll call
him and see if i can get a copy from him.)
nikolai jaremka
72 spitfire mkIV
east aurora, new york