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Re: Intermittnet O/D

To: spitlist@gte.net
Subject: Re: Intermittnet O/D
From: Mark Gardner <mrgrdnr@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 19:25:39 -0700
Thanks for the speedy reply Joe - Can the solenoid be accessed from in
the car or under the car?  Left side or right side?  I'm digging into my
Haynes manual tonight, any other insights would be welcome.



Joe Curry wrote:
> Mark,
> It certainly could be the solenoid, but any of the switches in the
> circuit or the wiring itself could also cause the OD to work
> intermittently.  The best way to eliminate the other things is to ensure
> the ground side of the Solenoid is securely attached to a solid ground
> and apply 12V. to the other terminal and see if it engages.  If it does,
> you then need to troubleshoot the rest of the circuit (switches and
> wiring) to ensure that there is continuity throughout.  Sometimes the
> switch contacts get an oxidation on them if they have been idle for a
> while.
> Regards,
> Joe Curry

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