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Re: Head Job (???)

To: Spitfire List <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Head Job (???)
From: Bob Norway <examiner@scci.net>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 12:12:16 -0500
Bob Norway wrote:

> Well, finally got 'Bond' put back together, that is all but for the
> bonnet. As I said earlier, received the last parts (gaskets) Thursday,
> so Sat AM started the rebuild. Everything went quite smoothly, if I
> might say so myself... :0)  After starting Bond up, with a big cloud of
> smoke of course from the freely used lubricants whilst putting him
> together, he finally settled down and purred like a kitten. So far the
> only glitch I've encountered is a slight leak from the freeze plug on
> the bottom side of the intake manifold. Hadn't even noticed it before,
> but once Bond started running there was a periodic drip onto the exhaust
> manifold with resultant puffs of white smoke. At first couldn't figure
> out what the leak could be, other than maybe a crack in the intake
> manifold water jacket. But then I took a look at another manifold I had
> laying around, and spotted the freeze plug. Seems to have gotten better
> after running for a while, so I'm hoping that the heat expanded it and
> reseated it in the jacket. If not, thankfully I've got that other
> manifold. But it sure is a pain changing those with the head on the
> car....    Will let you know what happens when I get him back on the
> road..
> Cheers

Well so much for the 'extra' intake manifold... it was off an '80 Spit with
auto choke, so it's an non player. However, removed the leaking one without
as much trouble as I anticipated and lo and behold, it did not have the same
freeze plug as the other. Sooooooooooo, tomorrow its off the the local
radiator shop to get it pressure tested to find where the leak is........


Bob Norway
Rockledge, Florida
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ICQ# 3752712
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