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Re: Naming Speedometers WAS: Speedo changing speeds?

To: "Laura G." <savercool@msn.com>, "Atwell Haines" <carbuff@tempest.nac.net>,
Subject: Re: Naming Speedometers WAS: Speedo changing speeds?
From: Atwell Haines <carbuff@tempest.nac.net>
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 07:09:02 -0400
At 11:30 PM 9/12/98 -0700, Laura G. wrote:
>Your speedo is named Eric? (As in Eric Idle? ;-) ) Gee, now I don't feel so
>crazy for naming my cell phone Suzy!

Not the Speedo, silly...the little critter inside is named Eric.   WHO
would EVER give a name to a manmade, mechanical device?    <<ducks>>

And yes, the name Eric seems to pop into my mind when I feel silly.
Remember the "fish license sketch"?    (Aren't all _your_ pets named Eric?)

Time to revisit the Monty Python Site 


and have a few belly laughs.

Atwell ("Bruce")  Haines
'79 Spitfire  (Un-named)

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