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[Shotimes] Re: Speedo Error... was: My MPG Test is Working!!

Subject: [Shotimes] Re: Speedo Error... was: My MPG Test is Working!!
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2006 16:01:48 -0400 (EDT)
Ok, I'll join in--mine seems to be exactly correct every time I come up on one 
of those radar things that tell you how fast you're going.  I have stock 
slicers and stock size tires.

Frank Whittle
'95 ATX

-----Original Message-----
>Reply-To: <>
>From: "Ron Porter" <>
>To: "'van Oss'" <>, <>
>Subject: RE: [Shotimes] Speedo Error...   was: My MPG Test is Working!!
>Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2006 13:22:22 -0400
>All three of my MTX SHOs would underread by 3%. It took me a few years, and
>a few 81-in-a-65 (when I thought I was doing 79) speeding tickets in my '89
>before I figured it out.
>Ron Porter
>-----Original Message-----
>From: []
>On Behalf Of van Oss
>Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 12:25 PM
>Subject: [Shotimes] Speedo Error... was: My MPG Test is Working!!
>It sounds as though speedo inaccuracy is the helpful factor in your 
>experiment, George.  In a sense you've corrected an error in the car.  That 
>by itself would be a postive step.
>I've confirmed several times in my 92 SHO that the speedo UNDERstates actual
>speed by exactly 2 MPH.  I've noticed the speedo on our Crown Vic OVERstates
>actual speed a lot.  The last time my wife followed me on the Interstate, 
>she in the Vic and I in the SHO, she really gave me the dickens, thinking 
>we'd been doing 85 MPH in a 70.  We'd been doing exactly 75 -- I'd confirmed
>that using the stopwatch function in the dash clock, 10 miles in 8:00 
>minutes.  My speedo had been showing 73 MPH.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>The speedo conveniently read about 4.5 miles fast from the factory....Lexus 
>has the largest intentional speedometer error in its class, according to 
>something I read in CU or CR a few years ago.... 
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