>Here are the compressors stats
>Campbell Hausfeld WL6112
>- 30 Gallon Vertical Air Compressor
>- 6.25 HP peak
>- 6.1SCFM@90 peak
>- 7.4 SCFM@40 peak
That is a small compressor for blasting, it can be done, I did it with
something similar but it is awfully small. You can get a smaller nozzle
that will be more efficient with that compressor but you will also be
passing less blasting media and not cleaning as large an area so it will
take longer to clean a part. You can also check your current nozzle since
those things do wear.
I don't remember the details but when I had my small compressor I was
using what TPTools calls their "small" nozzle which was about 1/4" hole,
maybe 3/8" but I doubt it. Using their large nozzle with my small
compressor would overheat it very quickly but I tried anyway since it was
much slower with the smaller nozzle.
~~~~~ I'd rather be sailing and ~~~ .oooO Oooo. ~~~~~~~~~~~
Mike Rambour ( ) ( )
Bug Writer er...Programmer \ ) ( /
mikey@b2systems.com \_) (_/
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