As I was shaking my head trying to figure out the up side to a Wood floor...
something came to me...
First off this is a free country and my idea's aren't regionally accepted
nor should they be... and secondly that I had a set of goals for my shop
that are unique to me... my tastes and desires...
The one big commitment I made to myself as I was building my shop was to do
nothing but the VERY best in everything I did to build it... not to
compromise of sacrifice anything... if that ment I had to wait to have more
money ... so be it... I did it. My shop took 7 yrs to finish and yeah I can
finally say I don't work on the shop as much as I work in it... that was the
line that defined finished...
I also paid it off which meant I could spend more in it then on it.... that
was a riot as the whole project wasn't going to cost 20k and I ended up
spending 50 and nobody was hired to do any of the work on it... that was a
simple material cost.... ( so much for becoming a contractor eh? )
Thanks for reading this's a few pic's of the shop back when...