> I was in home depot at lunch and noticed they're selling their
> mondo 80 gal. tank, 2 cyl./2-stage compressor on closeout
> for $700. anyone have experience with these, and should I
> run down there right now and pick one up?
Scott, not that it helps, but the Husky compressor is produced by Campbell
Hausfeld. CH produces a bunch of other compressors under other brand names
as well.
If anyone happens to be in the Philadelphia area, there happen to be half a
dozen or so used large (5HP / 220V) compressors for sale on Craig's List.
http://tinyurl.com/43hf2 Price range from $125-$295. Some of them do not
look too bad.
Scott, for another $100 (might be no tax though?) you may want to consider
Puma's TE5060V compressor. Free Shipping on the compressor.
I have this compressor, under the Eagle brand, and it works great. It is
has a 5HP / 220V motor, a 60 gallon tank and a three cylinder two stage
pump. I have been using it for about 8 months and am very happy with it.
Eagle sells the TE5060V for $879 on their website www.eagleequip.com .
Free shipping from Eagle also.
Kai M. Radicke
Wishbone Classics
* British Car Parts *
Ph: 215.945.7250