First, it's NOT hypoid gear oil . . the fluid spec is very specific for an
80 weight
straight mineral gear oil . . additive packs and detergents make foam which
hinder the hydraulics. Try to buy it from a Massey dealer or a
knowledgeable oil distributor. Ford up 'til '53 used the same oil.
Water gets in through the shift boots, the top-link linkage boot and through
natural condensation. Massey service calls for an annual change and you
don't want to ruin that fantastic 4 cylinder pump. You can flush with
diesel fuel and even run it a few seconds to flush the pump but be very
careful to get all the diesel out possible . . blowing with an airhose
through the filler and up through the drain plugs helps the flush find it's
way out. It's a good idea to put a couple of gallons of oil in and run the
tractor a few minutes and drain that as well before refilling with the 6 or
8 gallons it holds. For an extra safeguard, pull the dipstick or PTO
shifter cover off and feel around in the bottom of the case and see if there
is about an inch of crud settled around the pump. If there's serious
sludge, get a dealer to drop the pump and clean the sucker out. Make sure
the mechanic is experienced, there are linkages to disconnect internally.
ol' Massey dealer
Subject: A question about Hypoid gear oil.....
> I have a 1958 MF tractor that I left outside most of the summer. When I
> checked the fluid level in the gear case which holds both the
> transmission/PTO and the hydraulics for the 3 point hitch I noticed that
> the oil was the color of a latte......looks to me like it has gotten
> water in it. This is entirely possible since the rubber boots on the
> shift levers are pretty stretched out and water could have gotten in
> following the shift levers. Every thing seems to work OK, trans, PTO and
> the 3 pt. hitch but I am concerned about the long term effects.....
> What the consensus.....suppose I should drain it and replace it? Do I
> need to flush it out? If so, with what? Diesel fuel? any other great
> ideas?