Trevor Boicey writes:
> > - Is electric start a worth while feature on larger units?
> If you want the wife to be able to start it.
My girlfriend can pull-start our Honda 5000 watt generator with ease.
She's not a big woman either.
She can pull-start the 10hp Briggs engined chipper only after
it's warmed up. The Honda has an optional electric start (actually
the starters standard, it's the battery to use it that's optional).
It's so easy to start that we don't see the need for a battery.
Note that we're in central California where it rarely drops
more than 10 degrees F below freezing. If you're somewhere that really gets
cold you might need to teach your SO how to use a can of starting fluid.
Eric Murray Chief Security Scientist N*Able Technologies
(email: ericm at or PGP keyid:E03F65E5