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Re: Shadows

To: (George Mowat-Brown)
Subject: Re: Shadows
From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 20:38:09 -0700
> Richard writes:
> > If you are looking at an early Shadow, you can't
> >expect a perfectly clean history - the key thing is to find out how we=
> >the car was repaired.

=2E.and George Replies: =

> This is where it can get frightening, when considering a T-type/Shadow =
> few months ago, I looked at several;  one, in excellent condition came =
> a fairly full history that included a London service receipt from about=

> eight years ago for just under 12,000 pounds sterling (11,900 to be
> precise)!  Needless-to-say, this was just about a full-house of attenti=
on -
> brakes entirely overhauled with NEW pumps, flexible hoses, calipers etc=
> similar treatment to the self-leveling suspension, complete exhaust sys=
> major attention to the transmission, minor engine work, and a lot of wo=
> to the suspension bushes.  Another with similar history, but done at a
> 'cheaper' garage (about half the cost) clearly needed a lot of the work=

> redone and a respray was bubbling away after barely two years.

I just bought an early T-series about a month ago, and I took the third =

alternative (the first two being an impeccably maintained car, and one
repaired by a reputable place).  After a long search, I managed to find a=
early, very original RHD T with fair interior and paintwork, minimal rust=
 and =

completely ruined brakes.  I bought the car for a pittance from a chap =

desperate for the money, and proceeded to haul it to a first-rate RR gara=
ge =

here in the San Francisco Bay Area (Acme Car Service, good folks, active =
in =

the club) and had them rebuild the whole of the hydraulic system: chassis=

hoses, reservoir, spheres, switches, calipers, master cylinder (yes, earl=
y =

shadows have "real" master cylinders as a THIRD backup system).  Pumps =

were carefully examined and declared fit, though the #2 is a tad noisy, =

and the distribution valves prove again to be all but bulletproof: they d=
o =

seep a bit of fluid but then they were designed to.

This cost me
(with a few additional things like servicing all fluids, a new battery bo=
a new wiper motor, and RROC and BDC badges) about twice the purchase pric=
e. =

But even after spending all that, It's STILL under market price -- althou=
the RHD is considered less desirable here. =

I've since put just over 1,000 miles on it and drive it nearly every day.=

What a great car!

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