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Re: [oletrucks] AD Deluxe Heater

To: "Michael E. Mendon�a"
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] AD Deluxe Heater
From: Robert Baird <bairdr@charter.net>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 07:51:57 -0500
This is the link that will help you with the heater
if you are in North Texas I can help you with it I rebuilt my heater

Robert Baird Ft. Worth Texas
1954 Chevrolet 1/2 Ton P/U

Michael E. Mendonga wrote:

>Does anyone have an assembly schematic for the heater in the deluxe AD cab
>- (1954 to be specific)?  I have redone my heater and darned if I can't
>remember how it goes together.  Also, the the bracket that mounts to the
>inside of the firewall fits in about 6 different positions so any insight
>on which holes it mounts to would also be appreciated.  I looked in my assembly
>manual and in my shop manual but nothing seems to be there.  If it is in
>the assembly manual, please let me know where and accept my apologies for
>not being able to find it.
>'54 Chevy 3100

oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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