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RE: [oletrucks] Clutch Tip Screwdrivers

To: <Pastorjon994@cs.com>, <intubated@earthlink.net>,
Subject: RE: [oletrucks] Clutch Tip Screwdrivers
From: "William M. Schickling" <wschick1@twcny.rr.com>
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 10:34:54 -0500
Haven't been following this thread close, so if this has already been said,

Jim Carter sells a set of three or individually. I just got them this

Bill Schickling

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-oletrucks@autox.team.net
[mailto:owner-oletrucks@autox.team.net]On Behalf Of Pastorjon994@cs.com
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2000 9:51 AM
To: intubated@earthlink.net; oletrucks@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] Clutch Tip Screwdrivers

    I was at an old car show in Evansville, IN a couple of weeks ago and
there was a vendor there who sold them.  I think he sold an entire set for
restoring the old trucks. I'll try to find the brochure.  I've done several
net searches and it's pretty hard to come up with anything.

Jon Callahan
'50 3100
Champaign/Urbana, Illinois
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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