Thanks for reminding us why we don't want to live in Maine.
Larry "over my dead body" Finley
1951 Chevy 3100 Deluxe Cab
On Fri, 8 Sep 2000 03:26:42 EDT writes:
> Division of Elections and Commissions
> Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
> 101 State House Station
> Augusta, Maine 04333
> 207/287-4184
> FAX 207/287-6545
> August 30, 2000
> as posted in 5 daily Maine
> newspapers
> Public Input for Proposed and Adopted
> Rules
> Notices are published each Wednesday to alert the public
> regarding state agency rule-making. You may obtain a copy of any
> rule by
> notifying the agency contact person. You may also comment on the
> rule,
> and/or attend the public hearing. If no hearing is scheduled, you
> may
> request one -- the agency may then schedule a hearing, and must do
> so if
> 5 or more persons request it. If you are disabled or need
> special
> services to attend a hearing, please notify the agency contact
> person at
> least 7 days prior to it. Petitions: you can petition an
> agency
> to adopt, amend, or repeal any rule; the agency must provide
> you with petition forms, and must respond to your petition
> within 60 days. The agency must enter rule-making if the petition
> is signed by 150 or more registered voters, and may begin
> rule-making if there are fewer. You can also petition the
> Legislature to
> review a rule; the Executive Director of the Legislative Council
> (115
> State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333, phone 207/287-1615) will
> provide
> you with the necessary petition forms. The appropriate legislative
> committee will review a rule upon receipt of a petition from 100 or
> more
> registered voters, or from "...any person who may be directly,
> substantially and adversely affected by the application of a
> rule..."
> (Title 5 Section 11112). World-Wide Web: Copies of the weekly
> notices
> and the full texts of adopted rule chapters may be found on the
> World-Wide Web at:
> AGENCY: 06-096 - Department of Environmental Protection
> RULE TITLE OR SUBJECT: Ch. 147, High Pollution Vehicle
> Retirement Program
> CONCISE SUMMARY: In an effort to encourage the purchase of
> cleaner cars and the removal of
> high-pollution vehicles from the vehicle fleet, the Maine
> Legislature established a pilot program for the
> retirement of high pollution automobiles and trucks.
> Beginning
> on November 1, 2000, this 3-year
> voluntary program will provide the owner of a high
> pollution
> vehicle with a cash incentive to retire (or
> "scrap") the vehicle and replace it with a cleaner
> vehicle. A
> "high pollution vehicle" is defined as a 1987 or
> older vehicle that has been registered for at least the
> last
> two years and is currently operational. A
> "cleaner vehicle" is defined as a 1996 or later model year
> vehicle that has a tailpipe emission certification
> of Low Emission Vehicle or better. Copies of this rule are
> available upon request by contacting the
> Agency contact person listed below. Pursuant to Maine law,
> interested parties must be publicly notified
> of the proposed rulemaking, the public hearing and be
> provided
> an opportunity for comment. Any party
> interested in providing public comment can testify at the
> public hearing or provide written comments
> before the end of the comment period. All comments should
> be
> sent to the Agency Contact person.
> STATUTORY AUTHORITY: 38 MRSA � 341-D, sub-� 1-B; 10 MRSA �
> 394
> PUBLIC HEARING: September 21, 2000, 1:30 p.m., Holiday
> Inn,
> Augusta, Maine
> DEADLINE FOR COMMENTS: October 2, 2000
> AGENCY CONTACT PERSON: Ronald W. Severance
> AGENCY NAME: Department of Environmental Protection,
> Bureau of
> Air Quality
> ADDRESS: 17 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0017
> TELEPHONE: (207) 287-2437
> oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and
> 1959
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959