I checked out the newstand today, and found my fav mag for trucks, and wow!
There's a special on Suburbans. There's the main article with a '50 chevy,
'51 gmc, '58? GMC, 66 chevy 4x4, '67and '68 chevies, all in black and white,
unfortunately. Then, a yellow '56 GMC Sub feature in color that the author
keeps calling a Chevy, while it's plain by the grill and dash that it's a
GMC...huh? Then there's a short feature on a '66 'burb in color, only 2
pages. Then, a hot red '72 Suburban 2-page feature. That pretty much does it
for Suburbans. It's the April 2000 issue, you can go to the website below ,
also http://www.classictrucksweb.com , and then click on This Month item on
top blue bar of page to see the front cover. Well worth the $ for this issue!
Mattel now has issued a Ford '56 Panel truck, a silvery blue color, as a
Hot Wheels vehicle. So far, no Chevy. Mira , another diecast toy maker, has a
'51 Chevy Suburban, I believe. Anyway, that's all for me. Ciao!
<A HREF="http://www.classictrucksweb.com/";>CLASSIC TRUCKS Magazine</A>
Jerry Casper
Woodbridge, VA
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959