How about a bucket of steam or a spool of �" pipe thread?
Doug Pewterbaugh
Denton, TX
49 3104 216 5-window
-----Original Message-----
From: Lonnie L. Dickey <>
To: SHAWN & JO <>;
Date: Friday, July 09, 1999 11:35 PM
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] Helpers
>I never actually force my son to help but I ask from time to time.
>My son doesn't know crescent wrench from a torque wrench. That's
>ok we have other things to do together. Its kind of funny but my father
>was NOT mechanically inclined. He often laughed when I would tear
>a carb apart and ask if I would need a ride soon. To each their own.
>Anyone have an overhead thrust bearing release lever ?
>I also need some flag pole paint. Its over there in the tall can.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: SHAWN & JO <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Friday, July 09, 1999 7:10 AM
>Subject: [oletrucks] Helpers
>> Hey Fellas,
>> I'm 29 now but since age 5 my Dad has been building a 1934 3 window
>> F*rd coupe. He's been done for a few years now but when I was a kid, I
>> also was forced to help on the street rod project...
>> I hated it and would avoid helping at all costs but I still got
>> wrangled a lot as a teenager. I would basically run every time I saw him
>> going into the garage.
>> That said, I wish I would have paid more attention to what was going
>> on. Now that I realize what valuable knowledge I have missed along with
>> the time I could have spent with my Dad I realize the error of my ways.
>> I'm still amazed at what I was able to retain even though I was forced
>> to help.
>> This isn't some sappy letter, but a noteof enouragement to all you
>> fathers out there trying to get your sons involved..
>> I would rather drive an old vehicle any day over a new one. I
>> devolepeda fine appreciation for vintage autos of any kind and for the
>> people who build them. I have had two old vehicles before my current
>> project of the 51 panel but none were basket cases as this one is.
>> There are days where I wonder what kind of disease my father has given
>> me until I see another antique rolling down the road...
>> Keep up the tradition, get another generationinvolved so we can save
>> more of our heritage.
>> Shawn
>> 51 1 ton panel truck
>> Claude Ramey wrote:
>> >
>> > I didn't say he was interested or happy about it, but he puts up with
>> > (has to). He probably learns a little when I force him to do stuff with
>> oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
>oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959