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Re: Here's an idea...

Subject: Re: Here's an idea...
From: "John T. Blair" <>
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 10:16:55 -0500
At 09:28 AM 12/2/03 -0500, Blake J. Discher wrote:

>I have space on my website to be able to store articles that each of us
>contribute to and then draw from when we are a bit short on content.
>Here's what I'm thinking...
>Submissions would in Microsoft Word format (.doc) and any images would be 
>hi-res .jpgs.  The articles would be emailed to me, ideally with a sentence 
>or two description.....


I think it sounds like a great idea.  However, I'd like to make a suggestion
that you use Rich Text Format (RTF) as your format.  It is universal and 
then you don't have to worry about what version of Word each article is
in.  Also some people don't use Word - I for one.  I own but chose not to
load MS Office due to it's vaunerability to virsus.  I use MS Works instead.
It's saved me the few times I've gotten a virus that my Norton didn't catch.

As to the pictures, if you really want "hi-res" then you should be using 
TIFF as it is a "no loss" format.  JPG and GIFs are lossy - they loose 
data in their compression.  Also why restrict the image's quality.  I've 
got many articles that used 640x480 and in a small picture it worked great.
I take what ever I can get.  Also how much disk space do you have?  For
graphics in the current issue - Jan 2004 - of The Brickline that I publish 
(to see/download a copy - I have
3 pictures - 2 @ 24M and 1 @ 44M.  This eats up a lot of disk space quickly.

>I'll upload the files and images to a directory and 
>include the description for easy browsing.  Then whenever you needed an 
>article, you could go to the site, and pull whatever you need down.

If your web site supports FTP and ASP you might want to try and have an
area where we can FTP the articles to - faster xfer - and even a form
to fill out that describes the article.  This would reduce your work load.

>It occurs to me that we are all re-inventing the same wheel each month.  I 
>ask other newsletter editors for articles....

Are you planning on restricting the article submissions to TR only?  In 
publishing The Brickline, I pull articles from all kinds of web pages,
many from TR or British car webs.  I have several great general articles
(any that were authored by me - John T. Blair) on my Morgan web page: that are in the public domain for non-comercial 
use by car club newsletters.  Just to mention a few - there is an article 
on tools, a nice series (3 articles) one electrical systems in a car, etc.

I've also done several articles about safety in our hobby.


John T. Blair  WA4OHZ     email:
Va. Beach, Va             (eBay id: zebra48-1)
Phone:  (757) 495-8229

          48 TR1800    48 #4 Midget    65 Morgan 4/4 Series V (B1109)
     75 Bricklin SV1 (#0887)    77 Spitfire    71 Saab Sonett III
                       65 Rambler Classic


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