To those of you that have ordered Conclave 98 / DMH 100 Commemorative Grille
Badges, you might want to take a look at the Slight Revision to the Design.
I've had a few suggestions to improve its appearance and incorporated a change
that I think improves its appearance. My moving the "Conclave 98" to be below
the 100 Grille it allowed for an outline that makes the shape of the grille
more defined. It also allowed me to reduce the height of the DMH 100 logo to
show area of the grille teeth. I hope you like the revision. Those of you
that haven't ordered any might want to take a look and get your order in
before the 15th, After that it's first come first serve. If your a Healey
person you should have one on your car. If you're a 100 owner you can't pass
this one up.
Take a look at or
click on <A HREF="";>CONCLAVE
98 UPDATE</A> if that works with your browser.
Have a happy Easter everyone
Ron Mitchell
Web Master Conclave 98