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stake and eggs

Subject: stake and eggs
From: Steve Gilbert <>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2000 21:21:12 +0000
John and other poor souls who do not know what staked means... It is a 
little known british technical term meaning beat the heck out of any 
metal even close to the part you wish to keep in place!

So... looking up into the little empty hole that the valve fell out of 
I could see signs of ancient staking which failed, letting my oil 
pressure relief valve fall into the pot of old oil.  As soon as I 
discovered what the heck staking was ... AND which way the valve was 
to be restaked...  I hit a screw driver with my trusty staking hammer 
thus making the all important staking bends in the surounding metal 
thus holding the valve in until... well I don't know how long a stake 
holds ???

   So what does staked mean, and how do you restake the valve.

I'd have though that you probably might want to use a wood stake
to restake it, just in case. :)  ASH???

Or is it a verb, like I was staked for breakfast?  You know
stake and eggs.


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