Excellent book... I actually read the whole thing. A must-have for any
Morgan owner. I have an '87 4/4 imported by Isis, runs on propane, but the
book still helped me tremendously. Especially replacing the brake cylinders
that went bad from the previous owner letting the car sit for ten years.
Driving my 4/4 every day, now that the weather is nice. Made 5 trips from
Lancaster PA to Williamsport PA (250 miles roundtrip) with no problems. Last
April, when I bought the car, it had 5,000 miles on it. Today it is up to
12,000. Only problem was the brakes. When I change the oil, the old oil
looks like new. Must be due to the propane. Also, on the PA turnpike, I get
the car past 90 MPH. But the speedo is jerking so much, I am not really sure
how fast I am going.
Tomorrow is another beautiful day here in Pennsylvania, and I am
"Morganeering" all day.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-morgans@autox.team.net
[mailto:owner-morgans@autox.team.net]On Behalf Of Scott Morrison
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 6:52 PM
To: Lannis
Cc: Morgans@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Testimonial - Morgan Bedside Reader
I borrowed a copy recently and was very impressed with the manual. I
have sent Fred several e-mails begging for a copy. My pleadings have
now been rewarded. Don't miss this book!
Scott Morrison, 1934 SS MX4, 1961 +4
-----Original Message-----
From: Lannis <ottoflick@netzero.net>
To: MORGANS@autox.team.net <MORGANS@autox.team.net>
Date: June 9, 2000 3:51 PM
Subject: Testimonial - Morgan Bedside Reader
For those new to Morgans who aren't already familiar with The Bedside
Reader, it is well worth the money and will save you many times that
in mistake avoidance and money-saving advice. Mine is appropriately
and dog-eared after only a year and a half....
-----Original Message-----
From: David P. Crandall <davidc@netwrk.org>
..>Fred Sisson�s Morgan Bedside Reader now available!
>The Reader is 8 � x 11, three-hole punched for easy insertion into a
>standard three ring binder, shrink-wrapped.
>This edition of Fred Sisson�s Morgan Bedside Reader is just $50 +
>and handling via USPS [$6 US and Canada, $16 rest of world].
Overnight or
>express extra. Reference product MOG-101. Please allow two weeks
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