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Re: Swell-tering Texas event

To: "autox�team" morgans <>
Subject: Re: Swell-tering Texas event
From: kathi hoffman <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 06:20:40 -0700 (PDT)
Good Morganites, It seems to me that Morgans bring out
the very best in it Morgan owners
themselves, or others who come in contact with the
Magical Morgan Automobile.  
My Moggie and Me have traveled extensively in Europe
and Texas ( which is every bit as big as Europe). 
We've encountered wonderful surprises at every turn. 
A couple notable ones are, whilst in Poland I'd often
return to my parked Moggie to find a rose tucked under
the windscreen wiper or on my seat.  Once in Berlin a
nice man approached me as I sat at a siedwalk cafe at
a table in front of my Morgan and offered to buy  an
icecream for me and a tank of 'benzine' for the car. 
His English was adequate and my German good enough for
us to have a nice 'car talk' while we watched the
world go by.  He was an elderly gentleman,very well
educated and had war stories and car stories that
entertained me for that long shady afternoon by the
lake in the city park. 
I have also had several wonderful encounters with
helpful strangers because my gas gauge doesn't work
after 3/4 empty.  Often enough Morgana runs out of gas
and offers a chance for people to be nice to me, and 
me to trust others.   So it wasn't such a stretch for
me to make friends on the internet with Brother David
Crandall and arrange to escort him around on his 26
hour sweltering visit to MogMog land.  
People in the Morgan World have been kind to me all
over the world, and I will have to go a long way to
repay their generosity.....but I constantly try.  I
think Tennessee Williams had Blanche say it well in
Streetcar...."I depend on the kindness of strangers."

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