Greetings Morgan people,
Louvres: How many do you have and what size are they?
The Flat rad cars had different size top louvres than the cowl
Here goes : Series 1 Top 3.75ins long
Side 6.75ins long
Flat rad +4 Top 3.75ins long
Side 7 ins long
Cowl cars Top 4ins long
Side 7ins long
Is size important ??
This does not include DHC which are a different kettle of fish.
With continued interest in this splendid saga.
Uncle Melvyn R.
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Lenn Nelsen
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2000 6:41 PM
Subject: Spelling Police
Not so; Len Nelson, who started this thread, spelled it the same way; so
did I.
Chuck is correct. Thanks Chuck.
But, then again the spelling, here on the other side of the pond, is correct
either way.
The American Heritage Dictionary says:
lou�ver also lou�vre (loo'ver) n. 1.a. A framed opening, as in a wall,
door, or window, fitted with fixed or movable horizontal slats for admitting
air and light and shedding rain. b. One of the slats used in such an
opening. c. One of the narrow openings formed by such slats. 2. A slatted,
ventilating opening, as on the hood of a motor vehicle. 3. A lantern-shaped
cupola on the roof of a medieval building for admitting air and providing
for the escape of smoke. [Middle English lover, skylight, chimney, from Old
French, from Middle Dutch love, gallery, from Middle High German
lauble.] --lou*vered adj.
But, then again when is a hood a bonnet and a windshield really a windscreen
etc, etc.
I unnerstood it.
Lenn Nelsen
San Antonio, Texas
(Stirring hte pot and turning up the flame)