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silicone fluid switch

Subject: silicone fluid switch
Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 08:08:43 -0500
     With all due respect to the nay sayers silicone brake fluid is fine, I
know, I know, it swells the seals, causes the brake pedal to travel
further, causes corrosion, makes the wood rot, the leather crack, the
chrome pit, grows hair, etc. etc.

I have used the stuff for 20 years without a problem in Morgans, TR's, big
Healeys, all street driven vehicles.  It does not remove paint and that is
why I use it.  Keep in mind that these cars have all had the rubber seals
in the hydraulic system replaced and the steel lines cleaned out or
replaced.  I do not see a benefit unless you do this.
Good luck

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