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Re: spring fete

To: William Zehringa <zehrinwa@UMDNJ.EDU>,
Subject: Re: spring fete
From: Bob Nogueira <>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 98 19:28:18 -0500
-- [ From: Bob Nogueira * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --

Okay folks:
Notice how Will waited until  28 hours before the event to post this,
knowing full well that  Dallas to New Jersey is  exactly a 28 hour drive, (
the man never cuts me any slack ) 
The  28 hour drive I could do  but putting the engine back together in 15
minutes well that would take  a Fred Sessions.  ( I'd also have to track
down Chuck Harris to get a  Travel permit to leave Texas and enter " Yankee
Country " )

So any Plus Four owners  in  the New Jersey area please go by Wills and give
him the ol' Plus four Raspberry for   me !

Bob Nogueira 
-------- REPLY, Original message follows --------

> Date: Friday, 24-Apr-98 09:49 AM
> From: William Zehring          \ Internet:    (
> To:   MORGANS                  \ Internet:    (
> Subject: spring fete
> Dear Mog-o-philes:
> Anyone who finds him or herself in the vicinity of 789 Sergeantsville Road
> Stockton, New Jersey, tomorrow (Saturday, April 25th), between the hours
> 2:00-ish and dusk, is welcomed to stop by.  I'll be having what I'm
billing as
> my first annual Open Garage and car guy event.  This and that will be
>  No admission requirements, tho you might be mercillesly teased if you
> show up in a "cool" car (your deffinition, but be prepared to defend
>  This will be your chance to view the magnificent 1967 Morgan 4/4 Series V
> you've heard about (aka, the "thinking man's mog").  Zowie!
> You can find us about a half mile south of the 523 and 604 intersection,
> Sergeantsville NJ.  The house number is 789 Sergeantsville Road (aka route
> 523).
> cheers,
> WZ
> p.s. the way I figure it, if OUR MAN BOB gets on the road ASAP, he just
> make it in time (what with the blinding speed of his +4).

-------- REPLY, End of original message --------

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