listed as well on our SS Morgan 1963 #5381, was a defroster, we found one
with the car, lucas and as you say with the chrome finish, and Toaster
wire on the windsheild side, it had fittings that would fit and
inspection socket, but we had never dared to put it to a test and break
the wires. It has two dried out suction cups of black rubber on either
end, and is ridged, with about 3/4" by about 8 inch length, I guess we
had the same bit.
Interesting, does anyone know of what part number this was, or can I find
it on my part if I am brave enough to dig in my barn for an hour or so in
this weather!
Best Regards,
Cameron, Lori and Bob Bowie of Maine
P.O. Box 3751
Brewer, Maine 04412
On Wed, 04 Feb 98 17:36:01 -0500 Bob Nogueira <>
>-- [ From: Bob Nogueira * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --
>>From the 'There's Nothing New Only Different Department:
>When I checked with the factory as to how my 1964 Plus four was
>when it left Malvern they listed 'Defrosters' as one of the options.
>never could find any signs of duct work or anything which resembled
>defrosters. On a visit to the factory I asked an old timer how they
>installed defroster in 1964. He said they simply use an electric
>made by Lucas which plugged into the inspection socket..
>A few years latter i saw a pair on a Morgan . They were a 8 inch by 1
>metal plate with suction cups on the end and toaster wire strung
>between the
>suction cups. I later acquired a pair of American made Electric
>of the same design which were made in the 30 s or 40's. Being 6
>operating on a 12 volt system they tend to get quite hot . Coupled
>with the
>tendency to fall off the windshield on to your lap, I have always been
>engrossed with trying to keep them out of my lap that I've never
>noticed if
>they actually worked
>They do however, make great toast.
>As for air bags, my 64 came with those too. Of course you have to
>lift up
>off the seat, pull the bladder out and manually place it between you
>and the
>dash board,.
>Bob Nogueira
>1964 Plus 4
>1962 Plus 4 DHC ( with fenders and not much else attached )
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