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Re: Painting fenders

Subject: Re: Painting fenders
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 21:10:39 -0400 (EDT)
In a message dated 97-06-18 19:14:55 EDT, you write:

<< Forget the metallic paint.  I feel a Morgan, especially a flat-rad, should
be painted an old fashion color.  They didn't have metallic back then.  What
about Jaguar Racing Green if you are looking for a dark green.   Thought you
might be interested in reading an article I wrote for the British Morgan
Motor Car Club a while back.  I have pasted it below the dash line.  Hope you
find it entertaining as you get ready to make a paint selection.  Paint the
underside of the fenders the same color as the top side.   
Bert, thank you or your great reply.  The decision has been removed from my
domain. My wife has always wanted a BRG Morgan so the choice is hers.  We
have looked at a large range of colors including the Morgan ones. This Fat
Rad was light blue, black, green then red.  (Colors found while stripping).
 She liked the jade green (after looking at several vehicles on a dealer�s
lot) because of its color, the metallic had no bearing on her choice so I
guess Jade it is.  However, I will pass your words of wisdom and see what the
gods have in store.

Tom Gainer

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