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Re: Bias Ply Versus Radials- The Morgan Shimmy Is Worse With?

Subject: Re: Bias Ply Versus Radials- The Morgan Shimmy Is Worse With?
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 1997 23:55:06 +0200 wrote:
>      I replaced my HM Tourist (Avon)5.25x16 with 165r400 Michelin
>      tires/tyres over the weekend. The great big shimmy that resulted
>      therefrom is due, I suspect, to one of the tyres/tires not being
>      completely seated in its mounting, so I will remove all, re-examine,
>      and try again to balance same. Smooth ride is gone because of said
>      shimmy but even with the built in vibration but the car corners (with
>      30 lbs of air) a whole lot better. The shimmy going down the Merritt
>      Parkway at (any) speed reminded me of a cross-ply versus radial debate
>      from years ago.
>      (There is, by the way, just enough room between the sidewall of the
>      tyre/tire in the front and the spring top to get my fingers in there,
>      or about 1/3 of an inch. Sisson warns about the whole mess deflecting
>      enough to tear up the sidewall: we'll certainly see about that as I
>      pull off the wheels this week.)
>      I remember years ago discovering, with a BMW 1600/2 that I had in
>      1967-70 that replacing cross ply tires with radials created a world of
>      problems, with the macpherson strut suspension being much more
>      sensitive to radial tire imbalances than to cross ply tire imbalances.
>      I wondered about that with the Morgan, but decided that this
>      suspension didn't really resemble a mac strut at all (actually....) so
>      probably wouldn't have these problems.
>      The question, as I see it is this:Do Morgan owners prefer radial or
>      cross ply tires? Part 2 of the question:, revisting a question that I
>      caught the very tail end of just after getting on the eemail list:
>      once suspension bits are rebuilt and set according to spec, how do
>      people cope with shimmy?
>      By the way, a faulty condenser (Fine on Friday, dead on Saturday) kept
>      me from getting to Lime Rock on time to run this past weekend. I have
>      plenty of condensers, but by the time I traced it down, it was too
>      late to register for the track. Lucas, prince of slowness.
>      Chip Brown

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