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Subject: Shifting
From: sgilbert <>
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 96 20:44:26 GMT

I am a newer owner of one fine(?), FUN! 67 4/4 with 4 speed syncro and a
wooler shifter.  My wife claims this car as hers.  My job is to get the car
safe enough and easy enough for her to handle and drive safely.  The
steering is now fine and relatively easy.  The shifter is another story. 
It starts out EASY to shift and as it get hotter becomes harder and harder
to shift.  Very stiff when hot.  

Anyone out there know what it happening and better yet... is there a fix? 
Although... The advantage now is that I still get to drive the Morgan!!!

Thanks for any help!

Steve Gilbert
67 4/4 

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