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bonnet stays

Subject: bonnet stays
From: "Blair, John" <>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 14:15:32 -0500
First of all, what kind of bonnet stay kit did you get?
The one I have is all stainless steel.  It consists on a
"L" shaped rod which gets put on the rear bonnet latch on
the fender well.  You need to drill a small hole in the 
center of the bracket that the bonnet mounts to.  The
little hook on the "L" comes from between the bracket and
the firewall.  The seat for my stay goes on the rear
bolt of the rear latch on the bonnet.  (Note: I put a
rubber foot - with sticky back - under the clip on the
bonnet.  That way the stays don't tear up the paint.)

Since mine are stainless, I don't have to do anything to
the at all.

I only had problems with them:

  1. The have a holder that attaches to the valance to hold 
     them in place when the bonnet is down.  However, there
     holder does not have any real friction or mechanical
     holding power.  I took a paper clip, opened it up,
     attached it to the holder with one of the screws and
     then loop it over the stay to hold it in place.

  2. My starter solinode in outboard on the firewall with the
     main power lead on the outside of the solinode.  Some
     how, the electricty was able to jump the gap between the
     main power feed cable and my stay.  I just moved things
     around a little, and that took care of that.

John T. Blair  WA4OHZ          email:
Va. Beach, Va                  Phone:  495-8229

48 TR1800    48 #4 Midget  65 Morgan 4/4 Series V
     75 Bricklin SV1   77 Spitfire

ire     have used th I've had was the 


 John T. Blair  (WA4OHZ)  -   
 NAVMASSO Code 331        - Phone (804) 523-8133 (Comm) 
 1441 Crossways Blvd.                   565-8133 (DSN)      
 Chesapeake, VA. 23320-2843                             

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