That's one of the objectives of having an array rather than a single
source - you get a slab of light (about a square foot or more where the car
is designed around it!) rather than a (virtual) pin-point that the cover
then attempts to spread into a slab, reducing the brightness in the process.
Because an incandescent bulb emits light in all directions unlike an LED it
can have reflectors behind and partly around the bulb making the light
source appear much larger if the bowl is shaped correctly, and ribs in the
inside of the clear cover (a fresnel lens) to generate a broader area of
bright lines of light rather than an even spread of light at a lower level.
A translucent cover will significantly reduce the amount of light
transmission while only adding a small amount of spread, in recent years
manufacturers have gone the other way by having crystal-like covers that
have a colour tint, much more so than those on the MGB, relying on what is
behind to give the spread.
These *are* arrays, red, some of which cannot be used with red lenses. Also
not authorised for use in the UK. Given that plod is quite likely to pull
you over and fine you for having your fog lights on in conditions other than
of poor visibility (quite right too, especially those "I've got fog lights"
berks who use them instead of headlights) they are just as likely to pull
you over for having what will obviously be LEDs as stop and indicator (at
least) bulbs if they are in the mood. At up to 30 quid per bulb (plus
another 30 quid each time you are pulled over ...) won't find me as a
----- Original Message -----
> ... I think you
> would want the cover to be translucent, not transparent, to spread the
> light.