Nope, fabulous: adjective; 1. of or like a fable; imaginary;
ficticious; mythical; legendary.... 2. incredible; hard to believe;
astounding. Synonym, see fictitious.
Would you believe a legendary socket set? Er, well, after that cheap
ratchet breaks...... ;^)
Barrie Robinson wrote:
> If I remember my English the word fabulous can be applied to anything
> that pleases one but the object of this adverb may not necessarily be
> believable - "....that fabulous woman", or in our case "....that
> fabulous socket set"
> At 08:06 AM 11/18/04, Charles & Peggy Robinson wrote:
>> Hi Kev,
>> I give up, how can a socket set be "fabulous?" Huh, huh? ;^)
>> CR
>> Kevin Smith wrote:
>>> But I'll be honest, the latest Stanley socket set I bought from
>>> Wal-Mart has been fabulous (can't say the same for a tape measure
>>> though). Even if it was made in Taiwan.
>>> Then again, if a job is tough enough to break a wrench, I'm usually
>>> reaching for the air tools anyway.
>>> Kevin