There is a pre-set spending limit of $2000. Then you have to give them
a bank account or open a new account.
Max Heim wrote:
> It's not that you MUST have a checking account linked, but that they
> constantly bug you to do so. So far I have ignored them, with no
> consequences.
> on 2/5/04 5:33 AM, Eric at wrote:
>>Jack Feldman wrote:
>>>Now for the question. Why does Paypal want you to use the checking account
>>>instead of a charge card? I assume that it is somehow more profitable to use
>>>the electronic transfer. Perhaps there is no charge for the transfer while
>>>there is a charge from the credit card company.
>>That is strange - I do a LOT of e-Baying and PayPal-ing and I have only
>>ever had my PayPal account linked to my Credit Card. I will look and
>>see if I have done anything unusual.
> --
> Max Heim
> '66 MGB GHN3L76149
> If you're near Mountain View, CA,
> it's the primer red one with chrome wires
______ Paul T. Root
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