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Re: MGB alt question

Subject: Re: MGB alt question
From: "David Breneman" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 13:40:54 -0700 (PDT)
Chuck Renner SEZ -
> (Unattributed poster SEZ) -
> > A suggestion on the big brown wire.  When you get around to 
> > making your
> > permanent fix do not solder this wire to the terminal 
> > fitting.
> _Not_ soldering a wire to a terminal is asking for a poor connection.  I
> suspect that adding sufficient heat-shrink tubing would provide enough
> strain relief to prevent the breakage. 

I hate to open a Big Can O' Worms here, but according to tests
done by Bell Labs decades ago, a well-made "gas-proof" crimping
provides better corrosion resistance than solder.  Just thought
I'd throw that into the mix.   :-)

David Breneman                     
Distributed Systems Software Analyst

DHL/Airborne Express
3101 Western Avenue
Seattle, WA 98121

Phone:  +1-206-830-4253
Fax:    +1-206-830-4432

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