I'm planning on a motor rebuild too, but it's for a '57 MGA with a
"1600" on the lower front left side of the block. It's not the engine
that came with the car, I'm sure.
I have the same questions as does Larry, but pertaining to the MGA. Any
help or hints will be gratefully accepted.
Howard Battan
Auburn, WA
57 MGA 1500 w/ 1600 engine and Twin Cam/Deluxe Dunlop brakes.
-----Original Message-----
Larry Colen
Subject: I want to learn from your experience
Regular readers of this list know just how good I am at learning from
my mistakes. Almost as good as I am at making them.
In the next month or so, I will rebuild my MGBs motor for what I hope
to be the last time. I'm trying to get all of my ducks in a row before
1) What mistakes have you made in designing or building a motor? This
could be something stupid like using the wrong gasket for the oil
pump. It could be spending lots of money on a go-fast part that made
no positive difference. It could be saving a few dollars and using a
stock part rather than a heavy duty part which ended up costing you
many times more than that when the part broke.
In other words, if you were doing it again, what wouldn't you do?
2) Extend #1 to the rest of the car.
3) What modifications, or gofast parts have you bought that really,
seriously worked and did a good job? Things that you wished that
you had done earlier.
If you were doing it again, what would you do?