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RE: Parts car worth $500 bucks?

To: "Marc" <>
Subject: RE: Parts car worth $500 bucks?
From: Tab Julius <>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 21:27:52 -0500
Well, do you have a car that needs at least a $1000 worth of parts?

If the hardtop is decent, and given that hardtops cost $400+, then yes, 
presuming you don't mind having a car-cass lying around.

If your car is in fine shape, and you just want the hardtop and the 
occasional part, then you might want to think a bit more about whether or 
not you want it in your yard.  If you're doing a serious rebuild, though, 
then probably you'll get your money back.

- Tab

At 08:48 PM 3/28/03, Marc wrote:
>Lemme try this again with a working URL:
>I have the opportunity to buy this basketcase for $500. Think
>it's worth it?
>As I recall it only had about 25K miles on it. Engine/tranny should be
>fairly young...
>The hard top alone would be nice to have...

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