On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Dan DiBiase wrote:
> And here lies the problem, Tab - BMW is the former owner and as such I
> don't see them willing to share space with MG Rover products... Especially
> since I believe there are still some negotiations going on between them
> regarding financial aspects of the purchase... So unless MG Rover cut a
> deal with another manufacturer, they'd have to set up a network from
Well, There ARE Rover dealers. Of course all they sell are Range Rovers and
Land Rovers, I dont think any Rover Sedans (sorry, what's the british
word? Saloon?) are sold here. I never paid much attention to our local Rover
dealer, but if I had to guess I'd say it's a multi manufacturer
dealer. Something like "Volvo/Mercedes/Rover" or something.
Of course, there IS a different issue. I'm not certain of Rover's level of
involvement with Honda, but an MGF would be a direct competition for The
Miata. Honda had the low production S2000 which fit in the MGF's price range
specifically to take a high end stance on the Miata market. And I believe
the 2001 model year S2000 is the last year they'll be made. Not sure if
Rover would compete with the S2000, or whether, on the really wild side of
things, Honda would rebadge the MGF.
> scratch.... Also, there are safety regulations to consider as well. Don't
> think the EC standards are as rigorous/ridiculous (you pick) as ours,
> although if the engine is indeed similar to the Integra's, from an
> emissions perspective, it should be okay....
I'd bet the MGF would pass US crash and safety tests. Where it may need
tweaking is in the US stickler for detail. I remember when the Dodge Viper,
which had no roof, went up for safety approval, it failed because it didnt
have door locks. Now, it had a cloth targa cover held on with snaps that you
could undo in an instant, and reach in and unlock any lock, but US safety
regulators wouldnt approve the car until it had door locks.
As for the motor, from what I've read about VVC, it's the same as VTEC. For
those that dont know, each valve is conected to TWO rockers on the rocker
arm, each on a different shaped cam lobe. At about 4200rpm a solenoid
triggers switching which cam lobe is used. The other always rides and
swivels freely, not imparting any valve lift. Simple way to solve the
normal cam problem of being able to tune it high, or tune it low, but not
both. The low RPM's ride a great torquey cam profile, the higher rpms run a
profile that allows higher speeds.
The Integra GS-R takes this engine and comes out of the factory with an
8000rpm redline and 176HP. This is really dumbed down for emissions and has
a crippling fuel map in the electronic ignition. It's almost trivial to
bolt on a few free breathing induction and exhaust components and an
aftermarket chip and go well over 200HP. From what I can gather this same
engine has been strapped amidships in the MGF which would almost certainly
have to weigh less than the four seat Integra. It's a hell of alot of fun to
drive in a car that doesnt look fast.
Before I became a convert to the elegant simplicity of LBC's, the Integra
was the car I wanted most, the thought of a small roadster style car with an
MG badge and the same engine I love just sets me all aflutter.
| Chris Thompson ct@cthompson.com |
| 1973 MGB http://cthompson.com/mg/ |