I use Wix filters.....I have had no problems since 1989 when I first
started using them.
They have been proven to be one of the best out there, sold under the
napa and carquest names, they also say wix on the filter. They are
highly recommended by mechanics everywhere.
R. O. Lindsay wrote:
> Hi Gang,
> Perhaps this is an old thread. It it is, please flush
> now.
> I belong to a Ferrari list (www.FerrariList.com)
> where the topic of recent conversation is oil filters.
> The factory recommended brand is UFI. However,
> there has been a run of bad sealing rings on the UFI
> filters, although UFI hasn't admitted it, resulting in
> SIX of us having blown filters! I have blown two
> filters in my 308GTB. Imagine 6 quarts of Mobil 1
> pumped into your engine compartment in 12 seconds!
> The D-ring seal at the filter base is, in my opinion,
> defective on this run of filters.
> We have found a replacement filter from Baldwin
> that has a burst strength of 600 psi and only a 5 psi
> drop in pressure at 12 gpm flow rate. Why am I
> telling you this?
> The reason is to preface the question about oil
> filters and MGBs. Is there a preferred oil filter
> manufacturer for our cars? Granted, our LBCs
> don't hold the 100+ psi pressure and 7.5 gpm flow
> rates of a big Ferrari but it would be just as
> disheartening to blow a filter and seize an engine!
> All engines are sacred. What do you guys use?
> --
> Rick Lindsay
> Diamond Geoscience Research
> 5727 S. Lewis Ave., Tulsa, OK
> Voice: +1 918-747-3456
> Fax: +1 918-747-8599