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Re: Dumb Carb Question

Subject: Re: Dumb Carb Question
From: David Councill <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 08:55:17 -0700
The conversion of SUs would require a different intake manifold. Looking at 
my manuals, it does look like the exhaust manifold would have to be changed 
too. There are salvage yards, like TSI, that sell you everything used to 
make the conversion - what they are essentially selling you are the used 
parts off an earlier year.

It looks like in your case, state regs would make this an impractical 
solution. You could alternately convert your auto choke to a manual choke - 
Moss sells one.

I checked on your latter question on different makes. For some weird 
reason, my brand new Haynes Manual - "Weber Carburetor Manual - Including 
Zenith Stromberg and SU Carburetors" does not include any "newer" 
applications. It seems to only go up to the mid-70s and ends there. It does 
not show any applications for MGs (except the Midget for 63-64) or even the 
later Triumph TR7s. However my newer Haynes Manual for MGB 1962-1980 is 
more definitive. It indicates you have a Zenith type 175CD 5T. There are 
quite a few variations of the 175CD, most commonly the 2S and 2SE. 
Variations in the throttle shaft may make it difficult to use a different 

You might find this link to "Those Damn Zenith Strombergs" by John Twist 

He says all is not lost. Its possible you may be able to fix yours. My MGB 
Haynes manual has some good descriptions on the maintenance for this 
specific model. Even with the TR7s, most people had success rebuilding 
and/or converting to manual choke. I just didn't happen to be one of them. 
And I'm too used to my older MGBs - I want my idle to be firmly under 
control. I find the slow reduction of idle speed and the tendency to idle 
high after the car warms up to be irritating. But that is how they work or 
so I am told.


At 10:29 AM 1/10/01 -0500, frank krajewski wrote:
>David: Does the conversion to SUs require changing both manifolds and the
>exhaust system? In Rhode Island we are required to maintan a catalytic
>converter if the car was originally equipped with one. This poses problems in
>converting to SUs I believe.  Maybe other listers have confronted and solved
>this problem.

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