They did total my car.
My agreed value is $5000. The damage estimate was $3700. That exceeded
75% of the value ($3500) which requires totaling. (Something I was
unaware of.)
Once the car is totaled, they have the appraiser find three bids from
salvage yards, if you want to keep your car, then you have to match the
highest bidder.
The appraiser called five places. One of them told them that he would
give them $300-$500 bucks.
(This is the same guy that rebuilt my O/D tranny for $600, doesn't know
I have an aluminum head, thank goodness. He also didn't even get to see
my car.)
None of the other four places were interested in it. I didn't bother
telling him that there are three british car repair/rebuilders in Denver.
I spoke with them today. They told me the high bid was $300 and asked
me if I wanted to keep it. I told them yep. They said I will have my
check for $4700.00 in a few weeks. (She said the delay was because of
the holidays.)
I'm happy. I get to fix my car, looks like I will get paid quickly, and
they didn't mention anything about wanting my title to salvage mark it.
(VERY HAPPY ABOUT THAT, I just hope it stays that way.)
I will have to reapply to try to get coverage with them after I get it
fixed. After they total a car, they cancel the policy.
I would recommend them as long as the check comes!