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Re: What are the true benefits of a Weber carb?

To: "Tab Julius" <>
Subject: Re: What are the true benefits of a Weber carb?
From: "David Hill" <>
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2000 23:09:47 +0100
Hi Tab.

> Thanks - that's very helpful.  Seems to be performance and response are
> factors.  I understand that with the carb I also have to change the
> exhaust.  What has to get changed to help choke diamter?

The choke dia. is simply the hole(s) through the carb. Usually, the
accompanying mainfold is matched so the choke dia. ends up larger, thus
allowing more better airflow.

 Knowing this
> group, I'm guessing somewhere there's a recommended "List of Things To
> Change When Converting from a Zenith to a Weber".  Know where that list
> might be?

I don't  but I believe it's come up elsewhere in this thread.

> However, going to a Weber will wait until I put OD in.  That's a definite
> priority.

Good choice ;-)

> I know Weber makes it harder to pass emissions.  We don't have emissions
> testing in my area, but I'm not looking to make some belching air-abusive
> car either.  I'm not an enviro-nut, but I try not to be overly
> disrespectful either.  What emissions part is the Weber particularly bad

Sorry, can't tell you. UK emissions regs are comparatively lax. On early
cars, visible smoke is the benchmark!

> Thanks for the informative answers...

My pleasure

BTW, once had the use of a race MGB I had rebuilt for a friend. Single
45DCOE Weber, ultra-bumpy cam, no silencing to speak of and all the
suspension mods. Quick but very, very loud...

Dave H

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