At the very minimum you should use some highly thinned top-coat, one tiny
drop at a time, that will hopefully penetrate the cracks and crevices and
bond them together. Bear in mind that if you put too much on cellulose
thinners and paint will soften surrounding cellulose paint and wiping it off
may leave marks. If the boot lid has got wet or even damp since the damage
occured use the handbag-owners hair-dryer in the boot for a while to drive
it off.
However you may well find that the cracks will extend outward from the point
of damage over time. If this starts happening you will need to ring-fence
the damage by digging down to bare metal, dressing down the pimple and
filling up the pit with top-coat. You will have to use many layers and
leave it weeks to shrink before you can flat it down otherwise the surface
of the repair will drop below that of the surrounding paint.
If you use primer don't run it up the sides of the pit otherwise when you
flat it down you will leave a primer-coloured ring, then you will have to
build up the level of the repair including the surrounding, original, paint
to hide it.
----- Original Message -----
From: Colin Brown <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2000 12:28 PM
Subject: Boot Lid Blemish
> Someone, who shall be nameless, but who has been caught placing
> handbag on the bonnet of the B!!, recently when it was loaded to
> capacity, slammed the boot shut.
> Result, a minor, hardly discernible pimple under the chrome luggage
> rack, but it has just broken the paint film.
> Without treatment the beginning of a rusty blemish but I do not want
> to make it look worse. The B is trimmed for touring not for showing
> but I have no wish to repaint the whole bootlid ( even silver).
> Suggestions welcome
> Thanks
> Colin
> '67B