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Re: Passing EPA requirements

To: <>
Subject: Re: Passing EPA requirements
From: "Jon Lind" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 09:16:11 -0700
What about adjusting the jetting?  Couldn't you (and I have no idea how to
do this on anything but Mikuni CV carbs, so you're on your own) just
jet/adjust the thing to be super super lean?  That would cause it to back
fire and run like crap, but you just drive it into the emission testing
center, get it tested, then put it on a trailer a block away.

Of course, doing this every year would stink.  Here in CO they're going to
be adding "photo-radar" like devices that sniff your pipe as you drive by,
take your pic, then ticket you.  There's no escaping this kind of big
brother intrusion.

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