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Re: MG Club Support/MG Resources near Philly, PA

To: <>, "MG List" <>
Subject: Re: MG Club Support/MG Resources near Philly, PA
From: Larry Macy <>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 14:26:26 -0400
Well Matt, Welcome to the Area.

The biggest local source of support is the Philly MG Club. We meet the 
2nd Tues of the month in Norristown, PA. The second biggest source of 
support is yours truly <:-)  I reside in Lansdale- about 30 min away. 
There are several other listers in the area including the acerbic Allen 
Hefner (just kidding Allen, when are you leaving for Australia anyway). 
There are also several folks from the Spridget list in the area. Also Dr. 
Doug lives in tha area (he has been kinda quiet recently). The Long 
Island group is very active as well and not that far. 

Places for work and parts - Moss is in NJ not too far away, British Miles 
and British Racing green are a short drive away and Ragtops and 
Roadsters, for service, is in the area as well. There are others but 
those are the ones I deal with mostly.   

Send me an email and I will get you in contact with the Pres of the 
Philly club. There is also the Lancaster County MG Club as well as the 
Keystone MG Club, all in the area.  

again Welcome to PA, When you get here look me up - I'm always game for a 


At this exact moment in time 8/30/99 12:29, made the 
profound statement:

>Fellow Listers:
>       In about 3 weeks something unbelievablely good is going to
> wife and I will leave graduate school and move on with our
>lives.  Yes, we're finishing up...thank god...and heading out to the real
>world.  My wife and I will be relocating to Lower Bucks County PA
>(Levittown), where my wife will commute to Titusville NJ for employment
>(Janssen Pharmaceutica).  As for me, the disseration writing continues,
>with hopes for a January defense and graduation.
>       My question for the list:  Are there any fellow listers out there
>from this area, and if so, what information can be provided about clubs??
>Are there any good shops in the Philly/Bucks Co. areas for support??  Any
>vendors nearby??  Any information would be most appreciated!!
>       In addition, does anyone know of some garage space for rent??  We're
>going to be living in an apartment for at least a couple of years, living
>lean to save for a house. I'd like to find a place to store/work on the
>BGT...there are several self-storage places around but all I've contacted
>will not allow me to work on the car.  Any leads/advice would be great.
>       Back to that ol' dissertation.....
>        Thanks and Best Regards,
>        Matt Milkevitch
>        '74 BGT
>        Dept. of Chemistry
>        Virginia Tech
>        Blacksburg, VA 24060

Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Administrator/Manager
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 1015 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104

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