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Re: electrical problem

To:, Paul Hunt <>
Subject: Re: electrical problem
From: Carl French <>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 15:43:13 -0400
Paul Hunt wrote:
> *If* your lack of instruments, turn signals and fuel pump are connected, so
> to speak, then you should look for a bad connector in the white circuit.
> You may find that three whites come off the ignition switch - one for the
> coil (via the tach), one for the ignition warning light, and one for
> everything else.  This last splits off at a four-way to feed the fuse box
> (and hence the green circuit, instruments and turn signals) and the fuel
> pump.  As I think the wires are soldered to the ignition switch, I would
> check the four-way.
> On the other hand, they could be completely independant i.e. you have two

 I have been able to get it back a couple of times by fiddleing around
the coil connections and then the fuse block etc. It works great unitl I
hit the turn signal stalk then after about two second the tach dies
again. I think the fuel pump is back on line again. I assume it is some
short in the tur signal system and am going to explore the lights inward

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