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RE: Petrol rip off

To: "Scotty" <>, "mg's" <>
Subject: RE: Petrol rip off
From: "j r overcash" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 06:44:27 -0400

Compared to the rest of the world Gasoline in the US is cheap.  I paid
$1.21/ gallon of regular yesterday.  there are something like 3.6 liters to
a US Gallon so using round figures we pay only $0.30 US/liter.  Most
Americans think this is horrible and that the oil companies are allowed to
gouge us.  Yes gas (as well as fuel oil and diesel) prices rise based on the
current cost of oil, even if the oil used to produce the end product was
purchased at the cheaper rate!  I guess we al should have purchased stock in
the oil companies years ago, before OPEC!!  We pay plenty of taxes too,
Federal, State, even local taxes in some places!  I think I pay at least
$0.40/gallon in state taxes alone (last time it was posted at the pump)!!

Ross Overcash,74B,NAMGBR 1172
Ayer, MA

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Scotty
> Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 1999 5:17 AM
> To: mg's
> Subject: Petrol rip off
> Fellow listers,
>                          the price of petrol in Oz jumped to 77.9
> cents per
> litre, because our petrol companies charge the 'going world rate' even if
> the stuff is our own.
> State & Federal Taxes= 43.4 CPL  56% of the total,
> Oil Company Revenue= 32.0 CPL   41% of the total,
> Dealer margin              = 02.5 CPL   3.o% of the total.
> Total                                  77.9 CPL  100%
> I used to fill up my Holden Commodore for $53.78 in July, in
> August I get to
> pay $59.25, whoopee lucky eh?
> If I sound a bit exasperated it's because I bloody well am! Sorry
> if I have
> offended any one, but paying taxes is low on my list of fun things to do.
> Do our prices compare well or badly compared to yours?
> CUL6R,
> John [Scotty} Scott,
> Paying heaps for petrol in, Adelaide, South Australia.

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