Well, i woke up at 5a.m. figuring to leave aroung six to go to the All
British Car Show in Huntingdon - and for the first time in about 8
weeks........ it was raining!
Sucked my teeth for an hour or so so tee if it would clear up and it did
- a little - so Son David and i set off in the 69 -Top up- in some fairly
nasty drizzle - after about half an hour the drizzle changed to
torrential rain and by the time we got to the show ground i was
reasonably sure that a mistake had been made. It was 9 am and
registration had started at eight - there was me and a TR4a - oh, and
about six land rovers who were of course pretty much in their element.
Fortunately it did clear up and by noon thwere was a pretty respectable
show field of about 100 cars - lots of Rolls, Bentleys and Jags plus more
Triumphs than you could shake a stick at - sadly the sum total of the MGs
was five - mine, a 79 roadster, a 72 GT, a 62 A, and a 52 TD. (I dont
think ive ever been to a show before where both Rollers and Bentleys
outnumbered MGs)
The show was in aid of research into breast cancer and was a better
heeled do than most - VIP tent with pseuds drinking wine in plastic
flutes wearing blazers, ties and bermuda shorts squiring Buffy, Muffy and
Binky in flat shoes and hair bands - Steven Baldwin was on hand (he's
the Baldwin you dont recognise) along with Billy Joels mother and
Bernadette Castro, the NY parks commissioner who i had thought was the
biggest windbag in the world - until we heard from the guy who did the
The prizes were handed out by the British Consul-General who was
undoubtedly the model for Austin Powers teeth! - I came second to the TD
-but with only five cars there....hehe
Joking apart, it was actually a very nice show, lots of different cars,
all of which were well turned out and the weather was kinder than it
started out - the only other list member i saw was Rich Boris and we both
decided that the rest of you are sissys for not turning up in the rain!
mike robson
69 roadster (it was actually better than the TD but the judges were over
70 BGT
53 Riley